Thursday 12 January 2012

Concepts: Heart Beat Phone

The mobile technology world seems to bring a never-ending stream of new ideas and products that have changed our lives forever.

Just when you thought that relationship couldn’t get any more intense, the Heartbeat Mobile Phone conceptcomes into the mix. Korean designer Sang Hoon Lee sees an inflating and deflating phone as an alternative method of receiving calls. On his website, he adds that “perhaps a mobile phone will soon become one’s second avatar to express the person.” The concept explores the idea of being able to detect the emotional state of the person calling. You simply ‘pop’ the inflated phone to answer! In a similar way to Apple’s dock icons, the icons on the Heartbeat Phone will increase in size when you hover over them.
In his own words: “In the future, there will be various forms of reception method instead of sound or vibration. Perhaps a mobile phone will soon become one’s second avatar to express the person. Accordingly I Propose as follows: This mobile phone will notify the reception like a human heartbeat of inflating and deflating. Furthermore, it can notify the person’s emotional state with heartbeat, which can also be sent to the other person. The mobile phone icons that are in hemoglobin or water drop shape will change in their sizes on a transparent window according to how often they are used, and clicking the icon will pop and execute it. When the mobile phone is grabbed, the icons will pop out in the middle through multi-tasking function.”

heartbeat phone

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